Bread Culture Bakery Artisan Bakery in Rathmore Co.Kerry Ireland

The head baker has over 20 years of experience in bakery.


We bake fresh every day. All our production is made from the freshest ingredients, locally bought as much as possible with no preservatives or additives. We use irish butter, milk and free range eggs.

Making bread is our passion, especially sourdough and slow fermentation methods which are a way to an easier digestion as well as a better access to nutrients and minerals.

Special note on our white sourdough bread which is our customer's favorite: it is made with a natural sourdough starter, using a clean label flour CRC without additives or preservatives. Each batch are mixed by hand to preserve it's flavours, then fermented for a long period of time and shaped by hand before baking.






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Bread and confectionery production


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